Make Checks Payable To
Mail to:
Fast Eddy’s Lawn Service
PO BOX 340267
TAMPA, FL 33694
3 ways to make your payment made easy.
1) Make a payment by using your online banking institution and they send us a bank check via USA postal service.
2) Write a personal check from your home checkbook and mail it via the USA postal service.
3) Zelle money directly to the company phone number 813-294-9992
Type A Memo On Your Check – Please note the month the payment is for. This will help us both to reconcile your payments.
Timely Payments are Very Appreciated.
Payment is due by the 15th of the billed for month.
We have many of our established clients pre-paying the month. They are very accustomed to our payment policy by the 15th of the billed for month.
Yearly Billing at a Glance
To all new clients: On our first scheduled lawn service to your home we will give you a yearly calendar. Please post it on your refrigerator or keep on your work desk where you pay the bills.
Understanding Late Fees & Bounced Check Fees
We wish everyone would pay on time.
Responding back to our messages is greatly appreciated.
*** Constantly late payment will incur a monthly $35 collection fee for processing for the additional work related with collection issues.
Note: There is a $35 Bank Fee for Bounced Checks. Client agrees to pay all fees, collection costs and court costs to collect past due amounts as permitted by law.