Jason R Fingar
11038 E Topaz Ave
Mesa, AZ 85212
(480) 371-5193 (Cell)
Object Oriented Programming 10+ years
Experience using practical design patterns along with OOP best practices and methodologies such as inheritance, abstraction, and polymorphism. Practical application of solid software engineering principles across multiple languages and environments including PHP, Java, C#, and JavaScript
PHP 10+ years
Extensive experience developing web applications and APIs with PHP. MVC Frameworks and common content-management platforms including Zend Framework, Laravel, WordPress, and others. Zend Certification obtained August 2012
API Development 8+ years
Ample experience with REST and SOAP architecture and specifications. Comfortable with Universal data exchange formats such as JSON and XML. Experience developing APIs using different platforms including PHP, Java, and Node.js / Express.
JavaScript 10+ years
Experience using modern UI frameworks such as Angular and React, as well as extensive experience using jQuery. Experience developing APIs using Node.js and Express. Excellent command of ES6 specifications including modular UI design, classes, arrow functions, etc. Experience utilizing Webpack and related tools for building and optimizing ES6 applications
Database / SQL 10+ years
Experience using relational database systems such as MySQL, DB2, and Oracle as well as Document Storage (NoSQL) systems including MongoDB. Excellent command of developing efficient SQL queries and working to optimize performance relating to database interaction.
Development Operations 8+ years
Linux system administration including modern tools for packaging and deploying applications as well as development environments. Experience working with Virtual Machines from Mac or Windows Hosts via Virtualbox or VMWare. Working knowledge of Docker and Kubernetes for distributing and scaling applications. Bash shell scripting for automating a variety of common development, testing, build, or deployment tasks
Version Control 8+ years
Experience using GIT and SVN. Deep knowledge of GIT features and functionality including creating and administering repositories, branching / tagging, conflict resolution, hooks, etc.
Fred Loya Insurance
Senior Developer May 2013 – Present
- Work remotely as part of a team to develop and update internal web applications relied upon by thousands of auto insurance agents and adjusters
- Transition legacy IBMi RPG applications from green screen apps to modern web user interfaces
- Advise junior developers and conduct code reviews
- Implement and oversee dev-ops infrastructure in addition to building internal frameworks, designing and structuring applications
DLC Software Solutions
Senior Developer February 2013 – May 2013
- Key role in system architecture for multiple clients and many diverse applications
- Used several different MVC / ORM frameworks to build responsive, high-performance applications using object oriented programming coding standards and best practices.
- Worked closely with clients in an Agile environment to contribute to project goals in an efficient manner
- Responsible for all aspects of web software development including database architecture, application logic, and front-end user interface
Responsive Data, LLC
Web Application Engineer March 2011 – February 2013
- Developed custom, object-oriented PHP code to drive dynamic parts of multiple web applications
- Created and interacted with MySQL databases and tables to efficiently and securely utilize stored data
- Debugged existing applications and implemented fixes for various issues
- Created and utilized web services in a variety of formats
- Developed modern, web 2.0 user interfaces using JavaScript and ajax
Website Connection LLC
Web Developer December 2009 – March 2011
- Created and maintained templated advertising directory websites
- Introduced dynamic functionality into existing static HTML and CSS sites to improve performance and maintainability
- Designed hundreds of banner ads using Adobe Photoshop
Freelance Web Developer
January 2008 – March 2011
- Created and maintained websites for multiple clients
- Coded all sites using PHP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS
- Created several E-Commerce enabled applications featuring PayPal or Authorize.net integrations
- Worked directly with many clients on improving SEO and overall marketing strategies relating to their business
January 2012 – May 2012
Maricopa Community College System
Completed course on Linux O/S
September 2000 – May 2004
Rutgers University – New Brunswick, NJ
Bachelor of Arts Degrees Awarded in Geography and History (Double-Major)
September 1996 – May 2000
Fountain Hills High School – Fountain Hills, AZ
High School Diploma Awarded
Additional References
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonfingar/
StackOverflow.com – https://stackoverflow.com/users/935134/jason-fingar
My Resume Online – http://jasonfingar.com/
My Web Dev Blog – http://webdev3point0.jasonfingar.com/
Code samples as well as professional references are available upon request.